Tuesday, December 14, 2010

do you know what happiness is? happiness is not about owning a big expensive car or a landed property, but what did money stoles from us? you can be happy by just telling a lie to someone but do you really feels happy in yourselves? you might just hurt someone to make yourselves happy.

i had been reading this book for the past few days, a book which make readers rethink their assumptions about what happiness really is.

do check this out! this book is by Jennifer Michael Hecht

do you feel happy at this moment of time? In my previous relationship, i learned several things. Firstly, i learn that you do not trust a person so much that he/she abuse the trust and cheats you. Secondly, do not be too nice to someone! he/she might not appreciate everything you do. Lastly, protect yourselves! he/she may be calling you 'baby, sweetheart' but that may not be true, this world is fill with 'ugly people'.

You and this relationship we shared mould me to become a different person with a different thinking, you affacted me the most in my entire 20 years of life.
I seroiusly hate everything in this world right now and that includes myself.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

welcome myself to blogger.com! *three cheers*

dear peeps, everyone should be wondering why i am starting a blog at this very moment? I am stress, angry, sad, emotional etc. Blog is the only place which allows me to spam all my thoughts.

Before i start writing anything on my blog, i want to inform you guys to read at your own confort level (the x sign is just at the top right hand corner) so help yourselves to it. thank you very much! *cheers*